Sunday, April 22, 2007


The first of many more to come, hopefully.

Well, since we don't have Taylor anymore :( she took the site she was making with her when she left. So in lieu of that, I felt we should still have a forum, still have a place to communicate with one another a whole lot easier than mass e-mails to core all the time. On top of that, a place for the normal folk to keep up with our work to see where there money is going, keep up with events, and just to be 100% transparent. Like air, baby.

The idea here is to have everybody just post about their stuff, their campaigns, local events, cool things going on, statewide stuff, things like that. This way, next time we see each other, we don't have to spend so much time catching up and we can instead focus on what really counts: furthering our respective campaigns and not taking half an hour at core updating everybody.

So here's to tighter-knit communications, better visibility, and to the best damn chapter of Calpirg in the state. Ever. And to hyperbole.

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