Monday, February 18, 2008

Spring 08 Statewide Retreat Agenda

SATURDAY 02/23/08

10am: Intros

10:45am: Recent campaign updates:

* NVP – youth vote turns out in record numbers, candidates recognize PIRG – Danny
* Global warming – where are we going from here – AB 32 implementation, clean cars, high speed rail, more solar, etc.) – Jason

11:15am: Issue Briefings from our Experts – the problems we're tackling.

* What's Wrong with Our Health Care System and How to Fix it (Mike)
* Protecting Yosemite, Joshua Tree, and other State/National Parks (Gina)
* How to Reduce Global Warming Pollution 80% by 2050 (Jason)
* Solar: The Next Frontier (Bernadette)
* Protecting Our Oceans From Trash and Other Nasty Stuff (Dan)
* How to Make Textbooks Free (Danny/Laura)
* High Speed Rail for California (Emily)
* Mortgage Lending – Preventing the Next Crisis (Pedro)

12pm: The Summer Canvass

* Start out with a little context – Elana

* Campaigns under consideration by Environment California/CALPIRG

1pm: LUNCH

2:00pm: Skills Sessions

* Lobbying 101 (Steve with Gina and Jeremy)
* Public Speaking – Delivering a Statement at a News Conference (there's a transit report release coming up on March 6th that campuses will help release.
* Leading a CALPIRG Campus Chapter – (Danny)
o Skills 2: Coordinating a Statewide Campaign – (Danny)
* Visibility: How to make your campaign known on campus (Tara)
* Working with Student Government (Laura)
o Skills 2: Recruitment/Leadership Development (Laura)
* Knowing the Target of Your Campaign (powermapping) (Dan)
* Planning a News Conference (Jason)
* Building a Coalition for Your Campaign (Bernadette)
* Leadership Training for the Summer Canvass – basic FM skills
* How to bump up your average
* How to run a kick-ass petition gathering event?
* Something on interviewing

2:45pm: Skills Sessions 2 (Repeat)

* Lobbying 101 (Steve with Gina and Jeremy)
* Public Speaking – Delivering a Statement at a News Conference (Pedro and Mike)
* Skills 2: Coordinating a Statewide Campaign – (Danny)
* Digital Organizing: Using Facebook, Youtube, and your chapter website for victory (James)
* Visibility: How to make your campaign known on campus (Tara)
* Recruitment/Leadership Development (Laura)
* Time Management (Amy)
* Knowing the Target of Your Campaign (powermapping) (Dan)
* Planning a News Conference (Jason)
* Building a Coalition for Your Campaign (Bernadette)
* How to be a Great Campaign Coordinator (Sujatha)

3:30pm: Break

3:45pm: Campaign Breakouts – planning the next couple of months.

* High speed rail (campus and canvass) Dan/Emily
* Hunger and homelessness (students) Ramneek/Laura
* Oceans (students and canvas) ?
* Global warming (students and maybe canvass) Ruchika Maybe Jason
* Textbooks (students) Tessa/Tara
* NVP (students) Danny/Sujatha/Nelson
* Healthcare Mike
* Maybe Democracy Now Dallas?

5pm: Each group will pick a spokesperson to present their goals/top priorities to the rest of the group.

Wrap-up at 5:30pm. Dinner at USC.

Sunday 02/24/08

9:00 AM Intros. Personal highlights for the semester

9:10 Budget Discussion. Danny provides general overview of the F08-09 Budget

9:30 AM How to raise more revenue to cut the deficit down. The 5 Ways

10:00 AM Begin discussion of line-items, what we may have to cut and why. Increase in supplies/copies.

10:30 AM Budget discussion end. Roll Call. Begin process of granting provisional board members to LACC. LACC Reps present case

10:35 AM Bring to vote.

10:45 AM Danny provides intro to Elections, function of EC, rules, format

10:50 AM Mike provides what we're looking for in the EC, what an EC can do and what is has done

10:55 AM Chair nominations (5 min.). Each candidate will have a 2 minute speech (5 candidates x 2 minutes = 10 total). After all have gone, a 5 minute Q & A session. 10 minutes of discussion

11:25 AM Vice Chair nominations (5 min.). Each candidate will have a 2 minute speech (5 candidates x 2 minutes = 10 total). After all have gone, a 5 minute Q & A session. 10 minutes of discussion

11:55 AM Break (5 minutes)

12:00 PM At large nominations (5 min.). Each candidate will have a 1.5 minute speech (6 candidates x 1.5 minutes = 9 total). After all have gone, a 5 minute Q & A session. 10 minutes of discussion

12:30 PM end

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