Monday, February 11, 2008

Spring Semester 2008

So it has been almost a year since the last post...

I'll be the first to admit that I've been a horrible updater and blogger. If anyone even reads this thing, I apologize for the lapse. Hopefully Isabelle can reverse that trend though. She will be the new internet helper/blog maven for USC CalPIRG.

Some quick updates:
-We've had a ton of media hits since Super Tuesday, and we hit our goal of 1000 contacts for GOTV. Apparently there were a lot of problems though (click here and here to learn more), and we're waiting on a DT article on that. Any and all voting "problems" aren't unique to USC though, they were endemic to all of the LA County. Not to be all defensive, but the registrar's errors have nothing to do with us.

-Had our S08 GIM, and 92-3 people (depending on who you ask) came to attend. That's one or two behind the current CA leader UC Berkeley with 94. Definitely ahead of UCSB (30s), UC Davis (55), and UCSD (82). Thank you Sujatha again for being the keynote.

-Campaigns are up and running and the first events are starting to pop up everywhere. Public Transit (i.e. Jon and Andrew) could use some help guys, so if you're interested, give em a shout on facebook.

-Virginia, our new organizer, has arrived. Make sure to give her a warm welcome as she adjusts to the wonderful weather of SoCal and the awesomeness (read: eccentricity) of this chapter

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